About the Author: José Antonio Pero-Sanz Elorz (1934-2012) had a Doctorate in Engineering from the University of Barcelona (Spain) and was a founder member of the International Metallographic Society (USA). He was adviser on Physical Metallurgy matters for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as well as for Arcelor Mittal-Europe and was member of the Conseil Scientifique des Usines Renault. He was responsible for the Research and Development Group of Materials in the Oviedo and Madrid School of Mines and professor in both schools for more than 30 years. He published several books: Materiales Metálicos. Solidificación, Diagramas, Transformaciones (Dossat, Madrid, 1988); Materiales para Ingeniería. Fundiciones Férreas (Dossat, Madrid, 1994); Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales. Estructura, Transformaciones, Propiedades y Selección (5 editions, Dossat 2000, Madrid, 2000); Aceros. Metalurgia Física, Selección y Diseño (Dossat 2000, Madrid, 2004); Solidification and Solid-state Transformations of Metals and Alloys (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017); Materiales para Ingeniería. Fundiciones Férreas (Pedeca Press Publicaciones S. L. U., Madrid, 2018).
Daniel Fernández González has a Master in Mining Engineering and Materials Science and Technology from the University of Oviedo and curently persuades his PhD studies. He has published the book Materiales para Ingeniería. Fundiciones Férreas.
Luis Felipe Verdeja González has a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the University of Oviedo, where he is a professor of Materials Science and head of the Siderurgy, Metals and Materials Group (Sid-Met-Mat). His research focuses in the application, maintenance, and wear of refractory linings in blast furnaces and other metal and steels production processes. He has published 8 books: Ciencia de Materiales (Eléctricos) (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, 1994); Metalurgia Extractiva. Volumen I. Fundamentos (Síntesis, Madrid, 2000); Metalurgia Extractiva. Volumen II. Procesos de Obtención (Síntesis, Madrid, 2000); Prácticas y Problemas de Siderurgia (Fundación Luis Fernández Velasco, Oviedo, 2000); Materiales Refractarios y Cerámicos (Síntesis, Madrid, 2008); Refractory and Ceramic Materials (Síntesis, Madrid, 2014); Solidification and Solid-state Transformations of Metals and Alloys (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2017); Materiales para Ingeniería. Fundiciones Férreas (Pedeca Press Publicaciones S. L. U., Madrid, 2018).