My life completely changed in the summer of 2007.
I was in the middle of a nasty divorce, trying desperately to keep my children's lives and my sanity together. I was trying to put my then irritable 2-year old daughter down for a nap when I heard a small voice within me say:
The intense emotions from the past months have started to take a toll on my wellbeing. I have been too caught up with what everyone else needed, that I forgot to take care of my own needs. I was certain that I gave my family "my all", but even that wasn't enough. My husband still called it quits and decided to live a new life, without me.
I was sick, overweight, broke, and alone
And I've never felt so empty.
Fast forward to 2017. I've recovered from the divorce and found love again - but this time, with my one and true soulmate. It was a tough couple of years in the beginning, but eventually, I started to take control over my life again using the law of attraction and the concept of self-love. I noticed that when I started to love myself, that's when life started to love me back.
The idea that you can manifest love by focusing on it and giving it so much positive energy may sound absurd, but based on how my life unfolded when I started to change my way of thinking - attracting love IS possible. And it's also surprisingly simple.
By harnessing your mind's ability to think positive thoughts, you'll be able to bring about positive things into your life. By practising mindfulness meditation, easily can we notice that our thoughts come and go and hence we will be more aware of our thought patterns. With habits of thinking with conciousness, we could manifest what we desire effortnessly.
I wrote this book to share with you how you can use the law of attraction to its full potential. When you start to become more mindful over your own thoughts and actions, you'll be able to turn your dreams into reality. Your raised self-awareness will allow you to set clear goals and actionable steps that will help bring you to the future that you envision for yourself.
I hope that this book inspires you to live your best possible life just as much as it has inspired me to live mine.
But more than that, I hope this book motivates you to manifest love, nurture it, and share it with others. Love is all about give and take. We have the ability to love and to be loved.
Congratulations on taking this first step towards love.