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Coaching in Home Visiting

Coaching in Home Visiting


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About the Book

About the Author: Christa Haring Biel, PhD

Home, school, and community-based language and literacy interventions for children at-risk for reading difficulties. Teacher preparation around differentiated instruction and the implementation of dynamic assessment to shape instruction. Impact of coaching on teacher and student outcomes. Vocabulary and reading assessment and intervention for young children with or at-risk for language and literacy difficulties. Using social network analysis to examine parent-supported language and literacy instruction in high poverty homes, with children at-risk for or with identified disabilities. Fidelity of intervention implementation.

Ph.D. 2013 Special Education, University of Texas at Austin, Learning Disabilities and Behavior Disorders Emphasis on Reading and Assessment
M.S. 2007 Communication Sciences and Disorders Florida State University, Speech-Language Pathology Emphasis on Language and Literacy
B. S. 2000 Communication Sciences and Disorders Brigham Young University, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. Additional certification: Special Education Teaching Certificate

Fellowships and Awards
2007 Language and Literacy Grant Scholarship - Florida State University
2008 Language and Literacy Grant Scholarship - Florida State University
2009 Graduate Recruitment Fellowship - University of Texas at Austin
2010 Joe R. Long Fellowship
2011 Elisa Costilla Endowed Scholarship in Education

Employment History
1999-2007 Special Educator. Provo, UT; Barrow, GA; Clarke, GA; Reynoldsburg, OH; & Alachua, FL Schools.
2005 - 2007 Graduate Research Assistant. Florida State University. Tallahassee, FL
2007 - 2009 Speech-Language Pathologist. Hillsborough County Schools. Tampa, FL
2009 - 2011 Graduate Research Assistant. The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk University of Texas at Austin. Austin, TX
2011 - 2013 Community Outreach Coordinator, Project Coordinator, Curriculum Writer. Children's Learning Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center. Houston, TX
2013 - 2016 Research Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL; Research Associate, HIPPY FL, HIPPY USA, National Center for Education Evaluation; Project Coordinator, Center for Response to Intervention in Early Childhood (CRTIEC)
2016 - 2017 Research Scientist II, Urban Child Study Center, Georgia State University; Lead Content Developer, Atlanta Speech School, Atlanta, GA
2017 - 2018 Research Scientist II, Urban Child Study Center, Georgia State University; Research Assistant Professor, University of South Florida
2018 - 2020 Assistant Professor of Special Education, Utah State University, Logan, UT
2020 - 2021 Director of Education and Research, Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters, HIPPY USA
2021- present Vice President of Research and Evaluation, Children's Equity Coalition & Frameworks for Families

College Teaching Experience
Assessment in Special Education, University of Texas at Austin, Spring 2011. (Graduate) Co-Instructor with Andrea Flower, Ph.D.
Clinical Methods in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (Undergraduate), University of South Florida, Fall 2014, Spring 2015
Research in Community Settings (Undergraduate), University of South Florida, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016
Directed Research in Language and Literacy (Undergraduate), University of South Florida, Spring 2015, Spring 2016
Developed: Literacy for Students with Disabilities (Undergraduate), Georgia State University, Spring 2018
Teaching Reading to Students with Disabilities (Undergraduate), Utah State University, 2018-2020
Exceptional Student Education, Utah State University, 2019-2020

Professional Memberships
American Speech-Language Hearing Association
Council for Exceptional Children
Bridging the Word Gap Network (HRSA) - Workgroup Co-Chair (2014-2017)
Home Visiting Applied Research Collaborative (HARC)
Member, Early Childhood Workgroup, Sulfur Springs Neighborhood of Promise Grant

Articles Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
DePico, D., Hessling, A., Haring Biel, C., Peterson, A., Biel, E. (in press). A systematic review of interventions aimed to increase narrative skills in young children. Speech, Language, and Hearing Services in Schools, American Speech-Language Hearing Association.

Haring Biel, C., Buzhardt, J., Brown, J., Romano, M., Lorio, C., Windsor, K., Kaczmarek, L., Gwin, R., Sandall, S., Goldstein, H. (2019). Systematic review of implementation of language interventions taught to caregivers in homes and classrooms. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.

Peters-Sanders, L., Soto, X., Haring, C., Goldstein, H. (2019). Moving Forward 4 Words at a Time: Effects of a Supplemental Preschool Vocabulary Intervention. Language Speech and Hearing Services in the Schools.

Goldstein, H., Ziolkowski, R., Bojczyk, K., Marty, A., Schneider, N., Harpring, J, & Haring, C. (2017). Academic vocabulary learning in first through third grade in low-income schools: Effects of automated supplemental instruction. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 3237-3258. doi: 10.1044/2017_JSLHR-L-17-0100.

Bojczyk, K. E., Haverback, H. R., Pae, H. K., Hairston, M., & Haring, C. D. (2017). Parenting practices focusing on literacy: a study of cultural capital of kindergarten and first-grade students from low-income families. Early Child Development and Care, 1-13. https: //doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2017.1328416

Denton, C. A., York, M. J., Francis, D. J., Haring, C., Ahmed, Y., & Bidulescu, A. (2017). An Investigation of an Intervention to Promote Inference Generation by Adolescent Poor Comprehenders. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 32(2), 85-98. https: //doi.org/10.1111/ldrp.12134
Solari, E. J., Denton, C. A., Petscher, Y., & Haring, C. (2017). Examining the Effects and Feasibility of a Teacher-Implemented Tier 1 and Tier 2 Intervention in Word Reading, Fluency, and Comprehension. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 1-29. https: //doi.org/10.1080/19345747.2017.1375582

Solari, E. J., Denton, C. A., & Haring, C. (2017). How to reach first-grade struggling readers: An integrated instructional approach. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 49(3), 149-159. https: //doi.org/10.1177/0040059916673296.

Goldstein, H., Olszewski, A., Greenwood, C., Carta, J., McCune, L., Atwater, J., Kelley, E., Guerrero, G., Haring, C., Schnieder, N. (2017). Efficacy of a supplemental phonemic awareness curriculum to instruct preschoolers with delays in early literacy development. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.

Flower, A., Haring, C. & McKenna, J.W. (2016). Behavior and classroom management content included in teacher preparation programs: Are
teacher preparation programs really preparing our teachers? Preventing School Failure.

Denton, C., Solari, E., Petrov, J., Haring, C. (2016). Effects of first grade tier 1 and tier 2 intervention in word reading and comprehension implemented by classroom teachers. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.

McKenna, J. W., Flower, A., Kyung Kim, M., Ciullo, S., & Haring, C. (2015). A systematic review of function‐based interventions for students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 30(1), 15-28.

Flower, A., McKenna, J., Haring, C. & Pazey, B. (2015). School to life transition: Perceptions of youth in behavior intervention programs. Preventing School Failure, 59(4).

Swanson, E., Wanzek, J., Haring, C., Ciullo, S. & McCulley, E. (2011, August). Intervention fidelity in special and general education journals. Journal of Special Education. doi: 10.1177/0022466911419516

Book Chapters
Olzsewski, A., Haring, C., Soto, X., Peters, L. & Goldstein, H. (2018). How do we design and implement tier 2 instructional support in early literacy and language. In Carta, J. and Miller-Young, R., Eds.: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: A Guide for Response to Intervention in Early Education. Baltimore: Brookes.

Technical Assistance Manuals/Reports
Haring, C. (July, 2017). Coaching: State of the Evidence. Created for facilitators at the Atlanta Speech School for use in their support of educators in the lowest performing elementary schools in the Atlanta Public School System.

Haring, C. (August, 2017). Research Support for Ecological Systems. Created for facilitators at the Atlanta Speech School for use in their support of educators in the lowest performing elementary schools in the Atlanta Public School System.

Haring, C. (June, 2015). Research Ready Handbook: A guide for HIPPY Site Coordinators and Home Visitors for creating and maintaining researchable and publishable data.

Online Professional Development Modules
Haring, C. (May, 2017) Empowering Language. Professional development script/filming for online module. Author. Can be viewed at coxcampus.org.

Haring, C. (March, 2017) K-3 Phonological Awareness: Foundational Skills for Reading and Writing. Can be viewed at readrightfromthestart.org (K-3 courses). Author, producer, editor.

Articles Submitted
Haring, C., Pyle, N., & Pyle, D. (submitted, 2019). Coaching effects on teacher knowledge and practice: Results from Tier 2 reading instruction with at-risk first graders. Submitted to Elementary School Journal.

Haring, C., Pyle, N., Pyle, D. & Goldstein, H. (submitted, 2019). Effects of coaching support for first grade educators on reading achievement of students at risk for reading failure. Submitted to Journal of Literacy Research.

Commissioned Articles
Leushen de Pico, D., Haring Biel, C., Peterson, D, & Slocum, T. (commissioned for 2021 publication). A systematic review of narrative interventions in school-age children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Services in the Schools.

Conference Presentations and Posters
Priestly, M., Mason, R., Haring Biel, C., Bingham, G. (2020). Examining Language Interactions in Family Childcare Homes Following Literacy-Focused Coaching and Professional Development. Submitted to American Educational Research Association for 2020 Conference.

Haring Biel, C. (2020). Promoting Resiliency through Improved Parent-Child Interactions. Submitted to Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention for 2020 Conference.

Mason, R., Haring, C., Johnson, L., Bingham, G., Terry, N. P. (2018). Does the relationship between primary caregiver home literacy beliefs and practices and children's early academic skills rely on self-regulation? Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 18-21, Brighton, UK.

*Haring, C. (2018). Involve Me and I Understand: The Use of Social Network Analysis to Improve Recruitment, Retention, and Reach of Home Visiting Programs Focused on Language and Literacy. Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention. March 1-3, San Diego, CA.*accepted, unable to attend

Goldstein, H., Haring, C., Brown, C., Kaczmarek, C., Gwin, R., Romano, M., Windsor, K. Loria, C., Buzhardt, J., Sandall, S., Robertson, A. (2017). Caregivers as Interventionists: A Systematic Review of Training Methods and Associated Outcomes. Society for Research in Child Development, Bridging the Word Gap Research Initiative, April 6-8, 2017.

Kaminski, R., McConnell, S. & Haring, C. (2016). Monitoring Progress and Evaluating Intervention Effects in Early Childhood: Challenges and Resolutions. Facilitator: Judy Carta. Panel Discussion at the Bi-enial Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention, February 12-13, San Deigo, CA.

Haring, C. (2016). How Do We Measure Words Like 'Measurement'? Lessons Learned and Proposed Innovations in Vocabulary Assessment. Panel presentation at the Biennial Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention, February 12-13, San Deigo, CA.

Haring, C., Goldstein, H., Buzhardt, J., & Roberston, A. (2016). The Relationship between Training Delivery Mode, Recipient, and Function among Language Interventions in Early Childhood. Administration for Children and Families National Research Conference on Early Childhood, July 11-13, 2016, Washington, D.C..

Bojczyk, K., Ziolkowski, R., Marty, A., Haring, C., & Goldstein, H. (2015, November). Comparing the contributions of motor and verbal prompts to vocabulary learning in children at risk. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Goldstein, H., Kelley, E., Haring, C., & Olszewski, A. (2014, November). Pioneering development of multi-tiered systems of support for early childhood. Seminar presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.

McKenna, J., Kim, M., Flower, A. & Haring, C. (October, 2012). Function-based Interventions for Students with Learning Disabilities. 34th Annual Conference of the Council for Learning Disabilities, Austin, TX.

Haring, C., Ciullo, S. McCulley, L. (April, 2012). Poster presentation: Reporting of Intervention Fidelity in High Impact Journals CEC 2012 Convention and Expo, April 11-14 in Denver, Colorado.

Ciullo, S., Haring, C. Cortez, V. (April, 2012). Collaborative Strategic Reading: A Demonstration of a Research-Based Comprehension Strategy. Council for Exceptional Children 2012 Convention and Expo, April 11-14 in Denver, Colorado.

McKenna, J., Flower, A., & Haring, C. (September, 2011). Personal Strengths, Interests, Educational Programming, and Transition Goals of Secondary Students with Behavioral Challenges: Student, Teacher, and Caregiver Perceptions. Conference session presented at 9th Biennial International Conference on Children and Youth with Behavioral Disorders: Facing the Future- Building on the Past Celebrating CCBD's 50th Anniversary, New Orleans, LA.

Flower, A., McKenna, J., & Haring, C. (September, 2011). Perceptions of Schooling from Students with Challenging Behavior. Conference session presented at 9th Biennial International Conference on Children and Youth with Behavioral Disorders: Facing the Future- Building on the Past Celebrating CCBD's 50th Anniversary, New Orleans, LA.

Haring, C., Flower, A., & McKenna, J. (September, 2011). Teacher Preparation in Classroom and Behavior Management. Poster session presented at 9th Biennial International Conference on Children and Youth with Behavioral Disorders: Facing the Future- Building on the Past Celebrating CCBD's 50th Anniversary, New Orleans, LA.

Flower, A., McKenna, J. & Haring, C. (June, 2011). Perceptions of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Strengths and School Experiences. Conference session presented at 2011 Council for Exceptional Children-Texas State Conference: Meeting the Needs of all Students in a Diverse World, San Antonio, Texas.

Reutebuch, C., Haring, C. & Ciullo, S. (June, 2011). Collaborative Strategic Reading: Reading Interventions. Conference Workshop Session presented at 2011 Council for Exceptional Children-Texas State Conference: Meeting the Needs of all Students in a Diverse World, San Antonio, Texas.

Solis, M., Haring, C. & McCulley, L. (April, 2011). Demonstration of evidence-based Reading Comprehension Strategies Associated with Collaborative Strategic Reading, for the 2011 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, April 25-28, 2011 in National Harbor, MD.

Flower, A., McKenna, J, & Haring, C. (March, 2011). Perceptions of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Strengths and School Experiences. Conference session presented at the 8th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support: The Expanding World of PBS, Denver, CO.

Invited Guest Lectures
Haring, C. (Spring 2019, Fall 2019) Introduction to Communication Disorders. Kimberly Snow, Clinical Instructor, Utah State University.

Haring, C. (Fall, 2019) Placement Tests and Assessments in Children with Severe Disabilities. Heather Weese, Clinical Instructor, Utah State University.

Haring, C. (Fall 2019) Basic Decoding Instruction in Children with Severe Disabilities. Heather Weese, Clinical Instructor, Utah State University.

Haring, C. (Fall, 2019) Introduction to Direct Instruction Principles and Practices. Heather Weese, Clinical Instructor, Utah State University.

Haring, C. (Fall, 2018). The medical and educational implications of raising a child with Down Syndrome. History of health, disease, and medicine in North America. Seth Archer, Professor, Utah State University.

Haring, C. (Fall, 2018). Personal path to becoming a research professional. Doctoral Seminar. Charles Salzburg, Professor, Utah State University.

Haring, C. (Spring, 2017). Creating online professional development content: Collaborations across disciplines. University of Georgia. Athens,

Haring, C. (Spring, 2015). Incorporating Language and Literacy into Daily Life. Bay Area Early Steps Provider Training. Tampa, FL.

Haring, C. (Spring, 2011) Lecture on Related Services. For ALD 322, Introduction to Special Education. Instructed by Dr. Jim Patton. University of Texas at Austin.

Haring, C. (Spring, 2011). Guest Lecture on Collaborative Strategic Reading. For ALD 322, Reading Difficulties: Elementary Emphasis. Instructed by Dr. Stephen Ciullo. University of Texas at Austin.

Haring, C. (Spring, 2010) Guest Lecture on Hearing Impairment. For ALD 322: Individual Differences. Instructed by Dr. Andrea Flower. University of Texas at Austin.

Haring, C. (Summer, 2010). Guest Lecture on Communication Disorders. For ALD 322: Individual Differences. Instructed by Dr. Andrea Flower. University of Texas at Austin

Current Service Activities
Educational Policies Committee. (2018-2020) Two-year appointment. Utah State University.
Academic Standards Committee. (2018-2020) Two-year appointment. Utah State University.
Undergraduate Committee in Special Education (ongoing, department committee)
Master's Committee in Special Education (ongoing, department committee)

Invited Journal Reviews
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research
Journal of Early Intervention
Early Childhood Research Quarterly

Grant Applications and Funding
Caplan Foundation Grant (submitted August 2019, not funded)
HIPPY's impact on child-parent interactions (HICPI): How HIPPY moderates the effect of parental stress on child development - a unique study of bio-behavioral measures of stress in mothers of young children with and without support of home visiting programs. Role: Co-Investigator

Spencer Foundation Grant (submitted July, 2019, not funded).
Proposal to study of the effects of a home visiting program (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters; HIPPY) using LENA recording devices to measure conversational turns between parents and children in low income environments. Role: Co-Investigator

Diehl Foundation Grant Funded: August, 2019.
Funding for second iteration of previous Zeist study - examining amount and type of coaching support and feedback needed for childcare providers to implement skills learned from online professional development modules. Study in progress. Role: Co-Investigator

Zeist Foundation Grant Funded: July, 2018
Funding for the FCC3 Family Childcare Providers Coaching Project skills learned from online professional development modules and related language outcomes for children in their care. Role: Co-Investigator

Dobbs Foundation Grant Funded: July, 2017
Funding for the production of online professional development modules to serve as free resources for teachers of students at-risk for language and literacy difficulties. Role: Co-author

Annie E. Casey Foundation Grant Submitted: August, 2015, not funded
Coalition for the Research on Engagement and Wellbeing

ON-PARR: Observing Networks: Parents' Associations with Resources, Relationships and Retention
This project proposes to use social network analysis to discover the number, type and strength of relationships parents enrolled in home visiting program form with resource agencies and support networks. Researchers aim to compare results across three agencies: Healthy Families America, Nurse-Family Partnership and Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters. Role: PI

U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences Submitted: August, 2015, not funded
Supplemental Preschool Phonological Awareness Instruction to Prevent Reading Disabilities
This project proposes to develop a supplemental phonological awareness curriculum for young children at-risk for reading difficulties. This curriculum was designed to fit into a multi-tiered system of support with a focus on children with limited oral language skills. Role: Co-Investigator/Project Coordinator

Institute of Education Sciences Goal Two Funded: March 2017
Goldstein (PI)/Haring Co-Author
The development of professional development modules using problem-based learning around Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for early childhood educators. *(Co-investigator prior to relocation)

Home Visiting Applied Research Collaborative Submitted: March 2016, not funded
Research Proposal for Funding: Social Network Analysis of Home Visiting Programs. Investigation recruitment, retention and resources for families that continue services.

R324A150132 (Goldstein, PI) 7/01/2015 - 6/30/2018
U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences $1,500,000
Explicit Vocabulary Instruction in Automated Listening Centers for Young Children with Language Delays
This project proposes to develop a supplemental vocabulary and comprehension curriculum for young children at-risk for reading difficulties. This curriculum was designed to fit into a multi-tiered system of support with a focus on children with limited oral language skills. Role: Co-Investigator/Lead Grant Writer

Phillips, Beth and Wood, Carla (PI) 11/1/2016-11/1/2019
Lyle Spencer Foundation Grant $1,000,000
Investigation of at-risk children and associated preschool language environments. Evaluating the language environments of one hundred preschools across Florida, investigators aim to identify predictive factors, relations and associations with
other factors and identify valid ways of measuring ability and environment of children raised in low income households and/or with parents with little education. Role: Consultant.

Patton-Terry, Nicole (PI) 9/1/2016-7/30/2017
Atlanta Speech School/Cox Foundation $125,000
Development of online professional development modules for K-3 teachers focused on language and literacy improvement in high poverty schools. Live coaching support for Douglass Cluster elementary schools in GA. Role: Sole Personnel/Investigator

R324C080011 (Greenwood, Prime PI; Goldstein, Site PI) 07/01/2013 - 06/30/2014
U.S. Department of Education, Center for Response to Intervention in Early Childhood (CRTIEC)
The major goals of this project were the development and validation of assessment measures and Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions for teaching language and early literacy skills of preschool students at risk for developmental disabilities. Role: Project Coordinator

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9781681257327
  • Publisher: Brookes Publishing Company
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English
  • Returnable: Y
  • Width: 178 mm
  • ISBN-10: 1681257327
  • Publisher Date: 30 Oct 2024
  • Height: 254 mm
  • No of Pages: 240
  • Sub Title: Supporting Better Outcomes for Professionals and Families

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